Rules of pickleball:

1. Basic rules

1) Pickleball can be played in doubles (two players per team) or singles; doubles are the most common.
2) Both singles and doubles use the same size playing surface and rules.

2. Order of Serving
1) Both players on the serving doubles team will have the opportunity to serve for points until an error occurs* (with the exception of the first serving order of each new game).
2) The first serve of each side out will be from the right/flat court.
3) If a point is scored, the server will change sides and begin the next serve from the left/odd court.
4) When a subsequent point is scored, the server continues to switch back and forth until a fault occurs and the first server loses the serve.
5) When the first server loses his/her serve, the partner will serve from his/her correct side of the court (except for the first serve sequence of the match*).
6) The second server continues to serve until his team makes a mistake and loses the opponent’s serve.
7) Once the ball is served to the opposing team (off side), the first serve is from the right/flat court and both players on that team have the opportunity to serve and score until their team commits two errors.
8) In singles matches, when the score is even, the server serves from the right/even court; when the score is odd, the server serves from the left/odd court.

*At the start of each new match, only one partner on the serving team will have the opportunity to serve before the error, after which the ball will be passed to the receiving team.

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